Occasionally Patrols would work side by side or meet up at certain rendezvous points while on patrol. This member of the Scots Guard has recently arrived at a small oasis where a New Zealand patrol is also camped.
While on patrol it is strictly forbidden to use patrol water for hygiene or shaving but with abundant (albiet brackish) water available at the oasis the rules changed. Much to the bemusement of the New Zealanders the Guardsman has taken the opportunity to shave, wash and straighten up his Tam o' Shanter as he prepares to turn out for parade.
The Scots Guard was part of the Guards Brigade and therefore was one of the few Scottish Regiments that did not wear a Tam o' Shanter as part of the regulation uniform. This minor detail did not seem to stop the tam from appearing among the Scotsmen of the Guards Patrols.

The Guards Patrols were drawn from the Coldstream and Scots Guards, two elite regiments of the British Army. The Guards Regiments are typically an all volunteer force that beside being the best of the best are also detailed to guard Buckingham Palace and other royal properties. As such they are known for their parade ground smartness and being on the square, that is exhibiting a high degree of professionalism.
His uniform consist of the Khaki Drill (KD) shirt and trousers. The KD shirt is "unbloused" or not tucked. Note that the shirt is actually a pullover design in that it does not button all the way down. This was the standard issued KD shirt in the British Army.
The KD trousers have faded less than the shirt probably because they have been worn less. Unlike the KD shorts and the Battle Dress trousers, the KD trousers have no 1st aid pocket or large cargo pocket
The trooper is also wearing a pair of non regulation desert boots. The boots were made of a light buff colored suede and had a rubber sole. Today's "Hush Puppy" desert boots are very similar in design. The boots were lighter and cooler than the issued ammunition boots but proved to be resilient.
The trooper has slung his issued canteen over his shoulder with a 1937 pattern web strap. He is armed with the very popular SMLE rifle slung on his shoulder.